How to Send Long Voice Memos ?

How to Send Long Voice Memos

In today’s fast pace world communication is key to being productive and building strong relationships personally and professionally. Emails and text messages have been the go to for many but they fall short in tone, emotion and clarity especially when dealing with complex or long information.

Enter VocalJet, a game changing solution that lets you record and send voice memos by email with ease and change the way you communicate.

Why Voice Memos?

Voice memos have many advantages over text based communication:

  1. Speed: Speaking is faster than typing. On average people can speak 125-150 words per minute whereas typing speed for most is around 40 words per minute. So you can convey more information in a fraction of the time it would take to type out the same message. Imagine a 30 minute typing session reduced to a 10 minute voice memo and free up time for other tasks.

  2. Clarity: Tone of voice can convey emotions and nuances that text can’t. This avoids misunderstandings and conveys your message better. For example a sarcastic remark or a joke can be misinterpreted in text but the right intonation in a voice memo makes the intent clear. Complex topics are often better explained verbally where you can emphasize key points and clarify doubts instantly.

  3. Ease: You can record a voice memo on the go without having to sit down and type out a long email. Whether you’re commuting, walking or between meetings you can pull out your phone and record a quick message. This flexibility means you can be productive and communicate efficiently wherever you are.

  4. Personalisation: Hearing someone’s voice adds a personal touch to the communication which is especially important in professional settings. A voice memo can humanise your messages making them feel more personal and thoughtful. This is especially valuable in remote work environments where face to face interactions are limited and helps you build stronger relationships with colleagues and clients.

How to get started with VocalJet

VocalJet is designed to make sending voice memos as easy as possible. Here’s a step by step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Create Your Account

To begin you’ll need to create a VocalJet account. This is a quick and easy process. Just visit our website and sign up with your email or Google SSO. Once you’ve created your account you can start recording and sending voice memos straight away.

  1. Go to the Website: Go to the VocalJet website and click on the “Sign Up” button.

  2. Enter Your Details: Enter your email, create a password and any other required information or use your Google account to quickly sign in.

  3. Verify Your Email: Check your inbox for an email from VocalJet. Click on the verify link to activate your account.

  4. Set Up Your Profile (optional): Once verified you can set up your profile by adding a photo and any other details you want to add.

Step 2: Record Your Voice Memo

Recording a voice memo with VocalJet is easy:

  1. Open VocalJet: Log in to your VocalJet account on your phone, tablet or computer. The app is device agnostic so you can use it on whatever you prefer.

  2. Start Recording: Click the “Record” button and start speaking. Speak clearly and at a steady pace so your message is easy to understand. VocalJet gives you a real-time visual waveform so you can see your recording as you go and monitor volume levels.

  3. Pause and Resume: If you need to collect your thoughts or take a break you can pause the recording and resume when you’re ready. This is especially useful for longer messages where you might need to refer to notes or think through what you want to say.

  4. Stop Recording: When you’ve said everything you need to say click “Stop”. You can listen to your memo to make sure it’s clear and complete. VocalJet also allows you to edit your recording so you can trim out any unnecessary parts or redo sections if needed. VocalJet will transcribe voice memos automatically to let you search your long voice.

Step 3: Send

After you’ve recorded your voice memo it’s time to send it:

  1. Add Recipient: Enter the email address of the person you want to send the memo to. You can add multiple recipients if needed. VocalJet also integrates with your contacts so you don’t have to type in email addresses manually.

  2. Add a Message: Add a quick text message to go with your voice memo. This can be context or highlight key points. For example you can summarise the main points of your memo or tell the recipient what action to take after listening.

  3. Send: Click “Send” and the recipient will get an email with a dynamic audio link to listen to your message with one click. VocalJet makes sure the audio link is secure and only accessible to the intended recipients so your communication remains private.

Step 4: Responding

  1. Listen and Respond: Recipients can click the audio link to listen to your memo. They’ll see an option to respond with their own voice memo. This is designed to be super user friendly so even if the recipient isn’t tech savvy they can use it.

  2. Record and Send: The response process is just as easy. Recipients can record and send their response back to you and it’s a closed loop. Perfect for ongoing conversations and eliminates back and forth emails and makes the interaction more real time and responsive.

Tips for Effective Voice Memos

To get the most out of VocalJet and your voice memos be:


While voice memos allow for longer messages, still be brief. Stick to the main points and don’t get into details. This keeps it clear and fun. To help with that:

  • Plan Ahead: Before you start recording, write down the key points you want to cover. This will keep you on track and you won’t forget anything important.

  • Stay on Point: Focus on the purpose of the memo and don’t go off on a tangent. If you find yourself going off track, pause, collect your thoughts and refocus.

Use a Clear Format

Organize your memo with a clear format. Start with an intro, then the meat and finish with a summary or call to action. This makes it easy for the recipient to follow your message. For example:

  • Intro: Introduce yourself and the purpose of the memo.

  • Main: Get into the details, break your message into clear sections.

  • Summary: Summarize the main points and what you want the recipient to do.

Be Loud and Clear

Enunciate and pace yourself. Don’t speak too fast or too slow. A clear voice memo is more likely to be heard and liked. Here’s a few tips:

  • Practice: If you’re new to voice memos, practice a few times to get the hang of it.

  • Check Your Volume: Make sure you’re loud enough to be heard but not so loud the audio distorts. VocalJet’s real-time waveform display will help you with that.

Quiet Environment

Record your memo in a quiet environment to reduce background noise. This will make your message clear and easy to listen to. To do that:

  • Find a Quiet Spot: Choose a location away from noisy distractions like traffic, crowds or machinery.

  • Minimize Echo: Rooms with carpet, curtains and soft furnishings can help reduce echo, making your recording clearer.

Long Voice Memo Use Cases

Voice memos are super versatile. Here are some common scenarios where VocalJet can help you communicate:

Business Communication

Replace long emails and meetings with short voice memos. Whether you’re providing project updates, feedback or discussing complex topics, voice memos can save time and get your message across. For example:

  • Project Updates: Update your team on project status, milestones achieved and tasks to come without writing a long email.

  • Client Communication: Explain complex things and respond to client queries in a personal and fun way, build stronger client relationships.

  • Team Collaboration: Facilitate asynchronous brainstorming sessions or strategy discussions, allowing team members to contribute ideas at their convenience.

Personal Messages

Stay in touch with friends and family by sending voice memos. Share updates, tell stories or just be heard. It’s more personal and engaging than a text. For example:

  • Life Updates: Share big events or daily happenings in a way that feels more personal than a text.

  • Storytelling: Tell stories or experiences, add emotion and detail that text can’t.

  • Special Occasions: Send birthday wishes or holiday greetings with the warmth of your voice.

Educational Use

In educational settings, voice memos can be used to explain things, give instructions or provide feedback on assignments. They can make the learning experience more clear and personal. For example:

  • Lectures and Instructions: Deliver mini-lectures or detailed instructions on assignments, so students can understand and follow more easily.

  • Feedback: Give constructive feedback on assignments, highlight strengths and areas for improvement with the nuance and clarity text can’t.

  • Student Support: Offer personal support and guidance, so students feel more connected to their learning.


VocalJet is changing the way we communicate by making it possible to send and receive voice memos. Use the power of voice to save time, get your message across and add a personal touch to your communication. Whether you’re in business or in touch with family, VocalJet has got you covered.

Ready to get started? Sign up for VocalJet today and experience the future of communication and how to send voice memo in a snap.

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