What is Audio Transcription?

Transcription audio to text

Communication is the key to success. But in today’s world, our time is valuable and spending it in emails, calls, and meetings is not that effective. This is where audio transcription comes to play. Transcribing audio to text is an incredible skill that can benefit us in many ways and provide solutions to various use cases. So what exactly is audio transcription and why it is important? Well, you are about to learn all about it in this article. We will show you how you can replace emails with voice messages, replace those long hours meetings with asynchronous voice messages between team members, and the list goes on.

Understanding Audio Transcription

The act of transcribing spoken or recorded language into a written transcript is known as audio transcription. Transcribing audio to text can be done in various ways including manually by humans known as human transcribers, using automated voice transcription software, or a hybrid of both. The outcome of transcribing audio or video to text is a written document that contains the spoken words and the context, tone of the conversation.

Types of Audio Transcription

Audio transcription can be divided into two categories, verbatim and edited transcription.

  1. Verbatim Transcription: In verbatim transcription, the transcriptionist writes down everything the speakers say including fillers (“uh,” “um”), false starts, and sounds that do not form words (laughter, sighing). Verbatim transcription is ideal for legal hearings and trials, research work, and any case where there is a need to have a word-for-word transcript of the audio or video file.

  2. Edited Transcription: In edited transcription, the transcript only contains the core essence of what is being said and any fillers and sounds are omitted. Edited transcripts are ideal for business meetings, interviews, and content writing. Edited transcription is the most common form of transcription and is preferred by most people compared to verbatim.

Methods of Audio Transcription

  1. Manual Transcription: Manual transcription involves a human transcriber listening to the audio or video file and typing away the spoken words.

Manual transcription typically offers the highest level of accuracy because human transcribers are capable of interpreting context, nuances, and are professionals capable of working around difficult accents, and low audio quality. The major downsides of manual transcription is that it is time-consuming and expensive when it comes to long audio files.

  1. Automated Transcription: Automated transcription is the process of transcribing audio to text using specialized speech recognition software. With recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, automated transcription tools have improved with high levels of accuracy. Automated transcription is faster and cheaper compared to manual transcription and is ideal for cases where there is a need for quick turnaround times and large amount of audio files.

  2. Hybrid Transcription: Hybrid transcription leverages the benefits of both manual and automated transcription. The audio or video file is first run through automated transcription software to generate the first draft and then passed to a human transcriber for final editing and proofreading. Hybrid transcription provides a good trade-off between cost, speed, and accuracy.

Why is audio transcription important?

There are many advantages of transcribing audio. It is used in multitude of sectors and industries, each of which can gain important benefits from transcribing audio. Here are few of them:

  1. Accessibility: People who are hard of hearing can easily follow audio transcripts. Organizations can comply with accessibility regulations by issuing written transcripts of their audio and video files.

  2. Searchability: Audio or video files are not normally searchable. But once the file is transcribed, it becomes searchable and easy to find specific keywords. This becomes a huge advantage in industries like journalism, research, business etc where every second count


  1. Documentation: A transcript provides word-for-word documentation of what was said during an interview, meeting or any such communication. This is vital in legal cases, research papers and business discussions. It also allows the speaker or the team to refer to the document, share and store it for future reference.

  2. Content Creation: Transcripts of audio can be used to create many other forms of content including blog posts, articles, reports and social media posts.

  3. Efficiency: Transcribing audio (or video) files save time. Human mind scans through text faster than it listens to audio. Also distribution of facts and figures mentioned in the audio becomes very easy once the file is transcribed. Teams can refer the document, highlight and discuss important points and take timely actions.

Audio transcription use cases

Voice messages as an alternative to emails

Emails are one of the most common modes of communication in our personal and business lives. But drafting a detailed email takes time. It is 10 times faster to send voice memo than writing an email. Also, there could be multiple exchanges of emails between the sender and the receiver which delays the communication. Voice messages as an alternative to emails, supported by transcription, has many advantages:

  1. Speed and Convenience: Human speech is much faster than typing. Recording a voice message allows the sender to easily express their thoughts and ideas faster and in a more comfortable and natural way. Once the voice message is transcribed, the receiver would be able to read and refer the message easily.

  2. Enhanced Clarity: Voice recordings convey the tone, emotion and stress of the speaker which gets missing in text based communication. This ensures the message is communicated effectively and minimizes scope for misinterpretation.

  3. Personal Touch: Voice messages bring in a human element to the communication making it more engaging and natural. This is especially important in customer service and sales where strong relationships with clients and peers are vital.

Use case example: A project manager records several voice messages throughout the day to keep team members updated on the progress, assign tasks and give feedback. All these voice messages are transcribed and stored in a database which is easily searchable. So instead of listening to the entire audio, team members just click a link and read the transcript. They can also search the database for specific keywords to get to the relevant information.

How Asynchronous Voice Message Exchanges Can Replace Lengthy Meetings

Meetings are considered to be integral part of enterprise communication, but they consume time and tend to disrupt workflow. Asynchronous voice message exchanges with the help of transcription can replace them effectively:

  1. Flexibility: Asynchronous form of communication permits participants to get voice messages on-the-go and respond when it’s convenient for them. It minimizes clash in the schedule and enables staff members control their time effectively.

  2. Productivity: Asynchronous communication helps working groups discard meetings which in turn enables them to dedicate more quality time performing principal activities. With voice message exchanges, they can still have meaningful discussions, make decisions but with much less effort.

  3. Documentation and Accountability: With voice message transcription, you get a text file of the message which serves as a proof of discussions and decisions. It promotes accountability among staff members and guarantees all the team participants have access to relevant information regardless of their presence during the discussion.

Sample Use Case: An offsite development team utilizes an asynchronous voice messaging solution to communicate and share status reports of software development project they are working on. They leave voice messages for each other whenever they encounter difficulties or want to share the progress on tasks. The voice messages get transcribed and are stored in a centralized database accessible to all team members. This enables them catch up easily on the project progress and discussion they missed previously.

How Voice Messages Can Improve Customer Service

Most of the customer service conversations require explanations, empathy and personalized conversations. With the help of transcription, these text based conversations can be replaced with voice messages to give customers superior experience:

  1. Speed: CSR’s can dedicate more time to other incoming queries instead of spending too much time typing lengthy and detailed responses for complex queries. With voice messages, they can simply record themselves and speed up the response time.

  2. Personalization: Through voice messages, CSRs can demonstrate empathy and build personalized relationship with customers which makes customer experience more engaging and delightful.

  3. Record-Keeping: Voice message transcription serves as a text document of the conversation which can be used for training and quality control purposes and can also come handy for future needs.

Sample Use Case: A leading e-commerce organization utilizes voice message solution for addressing customer queries and requests. The voice messages get transcribed and are stored in a dedicated customer service database. This enables CSRs to access history of conversations with customers and provide consistent service.


Audio transcription is a powerful technology which if utilized correctly can prove to be beneficial in numerous ways. From improving accessibility and searchability to boosting efficiency and documentation, transcription services have wide ranging implications. By utilizing transcription audio to text, you can discard old, monotonous and time consuming text based mediums of communication and replace them with voice messages and asynchronous voice message exchanges. These simple yet effective concepts can improve your communication, make it more engaging and personalized, save your precious time and as a result, can lead to superior results in your personal as well as professional life.

With the passage of time, technological advancements are empowering audio transcription with more features and it is going to get much more prominent for future generations. Let’s embrace this change now with VocalJet online audio to text converter. You can already send voice memo by email and get a full transcript of your audio exchanges. Stay tuned, connected and productive in this rapidly growing digital age.

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