Send Voice Message
by email

Convert or send voice messages via email.

Streamline your communication
with our voice message email sharing feature.

Record or upload and your audio message will be
ready to be sent by email instantly.

Enhance the impact of your emails with the power of your voice..

Tone of voice conveys your emotions and your intent. It helps establish a connection and ensures your message is interpreted as intended.

Imagine the warmth and nuance of your voice reaching your recipient, making your message more personal and engaging. Whether you're sending a heartfelt thank-you, a detailed explanation, or a quick update, your voice adds a layer of depth that text alone can't capture. Make your communications more impactful and memorable recording and sending voice messages from your favorite email INBOX with VocalJet.

Time Efficiency

Recording and sending a voice message is definitely quicker than typing out a detailed email, saving time for both the sender and the recipient.

Personal Connection

Voice messages convey tone and emotion, making the communication feel more personal and definitely more engaging than written text.

Clear Intent

The vocal inflections in a voice message will help you convey true intent, reducing the risk of misinterpretation common in written emails.

Record your voice memo

Use your device's built-in microphone or a headset to record your message.

Get a dynamic web link

Your voice message is shareable anywhere. Even recipients can reply to you in one click.

Send with your favorite inbox

You can record your voice from Gmail directly or simply copy/paste your web link on the platform of your choice.

Do I have to convert my voice message to email?

No need to convert anything. Simply record your message, then copy and paste an interactive web URL with a transcript of your voice message directly into your inbox. This way, your recipients can choose either to read or listen to your voice message. Recipients can also reply to your voice message from the web link (no account required for recipients).

Why are voice messages
a Time-Saving option?


You can record and send voice messages while engaging in other tasks, maximizing productivity and making better use of time.

Nuanced Expression

No need for follow-up clarifications. Tone and emotion will make your message stand out. Give it a try and see the difference.


Clear communication without the need to type, speeding up the exchange of information. The benefits are endless.

Keep your favorite email INBOX
Complete it with interactive voice messages.

is coming to your Inbox